Accueil > Documentations scientifiques > Revues récentes > RANDRANA : A JOURNAL OF ANGLOPHONE STUDIES > Comité > about the journal
about the journal
Style Guide for Submission of Papers
1. Manuscript Size
The length of articles to be submitted to Randranais 25 pages maximum including references and endnotes. The manuscript should be 12 Times New Roman, 1.5 -spaced throughout, including block quotes and references.Please submit manuscripts in MS Office Word format. Standard English is preferred.
2. Abstracts
An abstract of 250-500 words is required. It should briefly state the nature of the problem addressed, the methodology used, the findings/conclusions, and the recommendations, if any.
3. Illustrations
3.1 An illustration, i.e., line drawing, photograph, chart, graph, map, etc., should be placed as close as possible to the first text reference to it.
3.2 Where illustrations are used, they should be neatly drawn, properly labelled (with identifying figure numbers, if more than one is used) and presented in a form suitable for photographic reproduction.
3.3 The caption (title or headline) of an illustration, unlike the legend (such as the key to a map or an explanation consisting possibly of more than one sentence) is never a grammatically complete sentence, but usually a noun phrase ; e.g. : Fig. 5. Distribution of Land, by Sex. The caption is presented in a smaller type, with capitalisation similar to a heading’s, and placed immediately below the illustration, preferably next to the illustration’s identifying number, and also followed by a period if it is run together with a legend.
3.3 The credit line – a brief acknowledgement of the source of the illustration – is put in parentheses and placed after the caption or the legend if the latter is included, and ends with a period. (E.g. : Photograph by... ; Courtesy of ... ; Adapted from ... ; From a drawing by ...)
4. Tables
4.1 Tables should be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals and cited in the text by their specific numbers. The table number and table title are placed on the same line, with the number placed flush left and an additional space left between the number and title.
4.2 The title, set above the body of the table, should briefly give the facts, worded in substantive forms such as noun phrases and participles, and avoid furnishing background information or commentary. Use sentence style capitalisation (i.e., for first word, proper nouns, and proper adjectives only) for table titles and subheadings.
4.3 Avoid using vertical rules for separating the columns unless the former add clarity to a very complicated table. Likewise, horizontal rules are left out except for separating the column headings and subheadings.
4.4 Data in the table should be carefully aligned with their respective headings/subheadings both horizontally and vertically.
4.5 If the words Total, Subtotal and Grand Total appear at the foot of a column, these are respectively indented two spaces more than the greatest indentation above each of them.
4.6 Footnotes to a table should appear in this order : (i) source notes, (ii) other general notes, (iii) notes on specific parts of a table, and (iv) notes on level of probability. The footnotes are typed below the body of the table, double-spaced and flush left.
4.7 If the whole table is taken from another source or data for a table is taken from other sources, this should be acknowledged in a note, introduced by the word SOURCE or SOURCES, set in caps.
4.8 A general note about the table as a whole is introduced by the word Note(s), and contrasted from the word SOURCE by setting it in italic.
4.9 For notes on specific parts of a table, a number, mark, letter or some other sign in superscript should be employed as a reference mark. Use superior numbers or letters for tables consisting of only words, and arbitrary symbols (such as asterisk*, cross, or dagger) for a table that includes mathematical or chemical equations. The reference marks for each table note are placed before the notes themselves. Any note applying to the table number or title should be treated as a general note.
4.10 The number, title, and body of a table should be set in the same typeface, but one size smaller than that of the text. Likewise, footnotes of a table are set one size smaller than the body of the table.5. Headings and Subheadings
5.1 If a manuscript has subsections, the following decimal notation should be used for numbering the headings and subheadings :
1. 2. 3.
1.1 2.1 3.1
1.2 2.2 3.25.2 However, authors are advised to avoid using more than three levels of subheadings unless their treatment of the subject matter is too complex.
5.3 The initial letters of all content words in headings and subheadings are capitalised.
6. Quotations
6.1 Direct quotations must reproduce the exact wording, spelling, capitalisation, and internal punctuation of the original except that single quotation marks may be changed to double and vice versa, the initial letter may be changed to capital letter, the final period may be omitted or changed to a comma, and an obvious typographical error in a quote from a modern book, journal or newspaper may be corrected.
6.2 Block quotations, i.e., quoted matter that runs more than ten typed lines or that has more than one paragraph, are set off from the text and presented, without quotation marks, in type one size smaller than that of the text, and with lines indented from the main text on the left margin.
6.3 Sic may be inserted in brackets immediately after an error in spelling, grammar or usage that appears in the original of a quoted matter.
7. Spelling and Abbreviations
7.1 In the event of using words that have different spelling variants, one variant must be used consistently throughout a given manuscript.
7.2 Non-universal abbreviations and acronyms, especially those that are localised, should be used together with the full words at least where they appear for the first time.8. Text Citations
8.1 With respect to method of text citations, Randranaprefers to follow the author-date system in all of its publications. It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that author-date citations in the text agree exactly with corresponding entries in the reference list and that all the facts are accurate.
8.2 The author-date citation in running text or at the end of a block quotation consists of the author’s/editor’s last, or family, name and the year of publication. No punctuation is used between the author’s name and the date in the text citation ; e.g. : (Donaldson 1986 ; Helley 1984b).
8.3 For works by two or three authors, all their last names are included ; e.g. : (BeKochen and Perken n.d. ; Dewey, Arthur, and Emerson 1989).
8.4 When there are more than three authors, the first author followed by et al. is used in the text citation ; e.g. : (Williams et al. 1989) ; however, the full names of all the authors/editors, rather than et al., should be provided in the reference list.
8.5 When a work bears no author’s name on the title page and is published or sponsored by a corporation, government agency, association or other group, the name of that group may be used for text citations and in the reference list ; e.g. : (World Bank 1999).
8.6 A specific page, section, figure or other division of the cited work follows the date and is preceded by a comma, rather than the colon (which is reserved for separating volume and page numbers). Examples :
Ø Year and page no. : (Thackeray 1994, 81)
Ø Year, volume and page no. : (Balamoan 1973, 5:23-25)
Ø Year and fig. no. : (Gore and Ahmed 1987, fig. 3)
Ø Year and section no. : (Tamrat 1998, sec. 12.6)9. References
9.1 The reference list must include all and only those sources cited in the text and in the notes.
9.2 The reference list should provide full bibliographic information on the cited sources, and where applicable (for books) using the order given below :
a) Author : full name of author/s (with last name inverted for the first author appearing on the title page) ; or full name of editor/s if no single author is listed ; or name of institution responsible for the writing of the book if no author’s or editor’s name is provided ;
b) Date : usually the year of publication ; N.d. may be used where the date is not provided ; Forthcoming or In press can also be used if the publication of the work is in progress ;
c) Title : full title of the book (separated by a colon from the subtitle, if there is any) ;
d) Editor, compiler, or translator : if provided in addition to listed author (may be located in author’s position if no author is listed) ;
e) Edition : if not the first one ;
f) Volume/s : total number if multivolume work as a whole is referred to ; or volume number of multivolume work, if single volume is cited ;
g) Title of individual volume : if applicable ;
h) Series title : if applicable, and volume number or issue number within series ;
i) Facts of publication : city and publisher (with the two items separated by a colon) ;
j) Page number/s : if applicable
9.3 The entries in the reference part should be arranged in a single alphabetical list rather than being divided into sections. A single author entry comes before a multiauthor entry beginning with the same name. All works by one author, editor, translator or compiler should be listed together in a chronological order. A single 3-em dash is used in place of the name of author/s or editor/s when listing more than one work by the same person/s, but when the role of the named person/s changes this should be indicated following the 3-em dash. Note that the different segments containing the full bibliographic information should be separated by periods. Examples :
Forntanelle, Eric C. 1944. Preparing for the postwar period. Columbus, Ohio : W. C. Cartwright and Daughters.
. 1952. What really happened when the war ended. Cleveland : Chagrin Valley Press.
, ed. 1951. Speculations grand and noble. Chicago : Tintern Press.
Fontanelle, Eric C., and Valerie Mandible. 1951. Iron despair : Postwar bewilderment. World Spectator, 6 April.
9.4 Titles of books, periodicals, plays, and long poems are italicised, whereas titles of chapters, articles, short poems and the like are given in roman style without being enclosed in quotation marks. Unpublished works are not italicised.
9.5 Titles of periodicals are capitalised in headline style ; all other titles in the reference list are capitalised in the sentence style, i.e., only first word in the title and subtitle, proper nouns and proper adjectives are capitalised.
9.6 The data included in reference list entries for articles in periodicals are as follows : (i) author’s name, (ii) year, (iii) title of article, (3) title of periodical, (iv) issue information (volume, issue number, month or season), and (v) page reference. Examples :
Donabedian, A. 1971. Social responsibility for personal health services : An examination of basic value. Inquiry 8:3-19.
Grabowski, M. M. 1990. After post-modernism. Journal of the American Aesthetic Association, no. 3 : 39-47.
Martin, Albro. 1979. Uneasy partners : Government-business relations in twentieth century American history. Prologue 11 (summer) : 91-105.
Lardner, Susan. 1980. Third eye open. Review of The salt eaters, by Tony Cade Bambra. New Yorker, 5 May, 169.
Nganda, Benjamin M. 1998. The equity objective in Kenyan health policy : An interpretation. Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review 14, no. 1 (January) : 65-89.
9.7 When a chapter or other titled part of a book is listed, that title is given in oman type, with sentence capitalisation, without quotation marks. The title ends with a period and is followed by In and the title of the book. Papers printed in published proceedings of a meeting are treated like chapters in a book. Examples :
Mudoola, Dan. 1990. The pathology of institution building : The Uganda case. In The crisis of development strategies in Eastern Africa, edited by Eshetu Chole, Wilfred Mlay, and Walter Oyugi, 138-152. Addis Ababa : OSSREA.
Zimring, Franklin E. 1989. Foreword to Drunk driving : An American dilemma, by James B. Jacobs. Chicago : University of Chicago Press.
9.8 When an edition other than the first is cited, the number or description of the edition follows the title in the reference list entry ; the same applies when citing a particular volume. If a volume or the total number is mentioned, this follows the edition number. Examples :
Smart, Ninian. 1976. The religious experience of mankind. 2nd ed. New York : Scribner’s Sons.
Le Gross Clark, W. E. 1978. The fossil evidence for human evolution. 3rd ed. Edited by B. Campbell. Chicago : University of Chicago Press.
Wright, Sewall. 1968-78. Evolution and the genetics of populations. 4 vols. Chicago : University of Chicago Press.
Tancredi, Edmund. 1989. The letters of Edmund Tancredi. Edited by William Tismont. Vol. 2, The war years, edited by Arthur Soma. San Francisco : Idlewink Press.
9.9 When reference is made to the work of one author as quoted in the work of another author, the reference list entry should include both works. If the discussion emphasises the original work, that comes first in the entry. If the emphasis is on the use of the original source by the author of the secondary source, the secondary sources should come first. Examples :
Zukofsky, Louis. 1931. Sincerity and objectification. Poetry 37 (February) : 269. Quoted in Bonnie Costello, Marianne Moore : Imaginary possessions (Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1981), 78.
Costello, Bonnie. 1981. Marianne Moore : Imaginary possessions, 78. Cambridge : Harvard University Press. Quoting Louis Zukofsky, Sincerity and objectification, Poetry 37 (February 1931) : 269.
9.10 Reference list entries for works in a series include, between the book title and place of publication, the title of the series, in roman type and headline capitalisation ; series editor ; series number, if other than first ; and volume number and subsidiary number, if these apply. Examples :
Caldwell, Helen. 1960. The Brazilian Othello of Machado de Assis : A study of “Dom Casmurro.” Perspectives in Criticism, vol. 6. Berkley and Los Angeles : University of California Press.
Misana, Salome B. 1999. Deforestation in Tanzania : A development Crisis ? Social Science Research Report Series, no. 13. Addis Ababa : OSSREA.
9.11 The title of an unpublished paper is treated like the title of an article or other short work. In the reference list, it is set in roman type and given sentence capitalisation, but it is not enclosed in quotation marks. The convention also applies to theses, dissertations, and papers read at meetings. A descriptive word such as Mimeograph, Typescript, Duplicated or Unpublished may be added at the end of the entry to indicate a non-published material (i.e., manuscript, machine copy, or computer printout). Examples :
Maguire, J. 1976. A taxonomic and ecological study of the living and fossil Hystricidae with particular reference to southern Africa. Ph.D. diss., Department of Gelology, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesberg.
Speth, J. D., and D. D. Davis. 1975. Seasonal variability in early hominide predation. Paper presented at symposium, Archeology in Anthropology : Broadening Subject Matter. Seventy-fourth annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association.
Royce, John C. 1988. Finches du Page county. Paper read at 22nd Annual Conference on Practical Bird Watching, 24-26 May, at Midland University, Flat Prairie, Illinois.
United States Educational Foundation for Egypt. 1951. Annual program proposal, 1952-53. U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mimeograph.
9.12 Electronic sources are to be referred as follow :Arundel, A., M. Kanerva, and C. Bordoy. 2008. Summary report for respondents : The ASTP survey for fiscal year 2007. Association of European Science and Technology Transfer Professionals. _report.pdf (accessed May 12, 2009).
African Virtual University. (accessed January 15, 2009).