Accueil > Documentations scientifiques > Revues récentes > Journal of Systems and Industrial Project Engineering (JSIPE) > JSIPE, Vol. 2, N° 1, Dec 2016, ISSN : 2411-7226 > Military Expenditures and Economic Development Concepts and Models : a (...)

  • Military Expenditures and Economic Development Concepts and Models : a Literature Review Utilizing Competitive Intelligence
    Vol. 2, N° 1, December 2016 pp. 77-91 ISSN : 2411-7226

    Auteurs : Alex P. Andriamahazoarivo
    François A. Ravalison

    Keywords : Competitive Intelligence, Economic Development, Military Expenditures

    [ENG] The main objective of the study is to have a map of analysis about military expenditures (training included) and economic development. Competitive Intelligence is the core of the research process. First, we have framed the data research, and then we have researched and collected data. At the end of process, we have synthesized the analysis. The main finding reveals that there is an impact of military expenditures on economic development.


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