Accueil > Documentations scientifiques > Revues récentes > Madagascar : revue de géographie > Archives > vol. 13, juillet-décembre 1968 > Les Problèmes fondamentaux de l’urbanisme tananarivien

  • Les Problèmes fondamentaux de l’urbanisme tananarivien
    Madagascar : revue de géographie, vol. 13, juillet-décembre 1968 pp:7 - 56

    Auteur(s)  : Donque G.

    Auteur correspondant :


    Résumé de l’article



    [EN] Situated 1,423 metres above sea level, Antananarivo owes its foundation at the end of the 18th century to Andrianampoinimerina who established his capital on top of a steep rocky hill towering 200 metres above the surrounding marshy land. The gradual expansion of the Merina kingdom contributed to the growth of the town in size and population, and it thus became an administrative, political and military centre, as well as a great market town. The French settlers undertook large scale public works which led to the occupation of the lower parts where new districts were built. But whereas in the centre town-planning was carried out in a rational, orderly way, anarchy ruled the building of the outskirts, as country people, enticed by the charms of city life, ceaselessly flowed in. Today, the town is so structured as to present side by side a historical upper town which goes on playing its intellectual and spiritual part (high schools, schools, museums, cathedrals Protestant churches) ; a modern, bustling central town, the seat of amusement and business with the great Zoma market in the middle ; outskirts, where Malagasy and foreigners mingle in a jumble of tall buildings, villas and traditional dwellings, amid a patchwork of tiny rice- fields and houses ; sprawling suburbs stretching along the main arterial roads and making up with former villages now part of the greater town ; lastly, suburban townships, playing the part of dormitories for Antananarivo workers. Town-planning problems and their solutions may be listed under five main headings : habitat and housing problems, traffic problems, problems of supply for the greater Antananarivo, public health and sanitation problems, intellectual training and leisure problems. Well-concerted policy as regards means and coordination of efforts were required to handle these problems : town-planning as it is now being carried out is the rational answer found by Antananarivo.

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