Accueil > Documentations scientifiques > Revues récentes > Madagascar : revue de géographie > Archives > volume 14, janvier-juin 1969 > Esquisse du milieu et de la végétation du plateau de l’Horombe

  • Esquisse du milieu et de la végétation du plateau de l’Horombe
    Madagascar : revue de géographie, volume 14, janvier-juin 1969 pp:7 - 32

    Auteur(s) :Morat P.

    Auteur correspondant :


    Résumé de l’article



    [EN] The Horombe plateau is an old mesotertiary surface which has been remarkably spared by erosion and is situated at an altitude of about 3,330 feet. The rocky substratum which consists of granitoid gneiss ; lies under tropical ferralitic or ferruginous soils. The vegetation of this plateau, altered by the practice of burn-baiting, is a grassy savanna, fairly homogeneous except for a few remnants of shrubby savanny in the southern and western parts. The flora, although rather poor, is of the transitional kind found when one passes from the phytogeographic areas of the Central regions to those of the West. In view of relief and drainage conditions, the vegetation, essentially dependent on burn-baiting, becomes increasingly degraded.


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