Accueil > Documentations scientifiques > Revues récentes > Revue des Sciences, de Technologies et de l’Environnement (RSTE) > Revue des Sciences, de Technologies et de l’Environnement, Volume V, Édition (...) > ESSAI D’APPROPRIATION DES POTENTIALITÉS TOURISTIQUES DES LITTORALES DE LA (...)

    Revue des Sciences, de Technologies et de l’Environnement, Volume 5, Édition spéciale, Université d’été 3ème édition Mahajanga, novembre 2021

    auteur(s) : BOUDI Tolotra Odilus ; RANDRIANJAFY RASOLOARISOA Vololomboahangy N.R.

    Mots-clés : littorale, tourisme, exploitation, communauté, ressources

    [FRS] Les littoraux sont des espaces qui attirent plus de touristes dans le monde. Avec ses plus de 5000 km de côtes, Madagascar dispose d’un atout incomparable. Le littoral de la Commune Rurale d’Andranoboka présente des attraits non négligeables grâce à la Baie de Mahajamba. La recherche ambitionne d’appréhender les potentialités touristiques pour une exploitation intégrée des ressources littorales. L’étude a été réalisée dans les localités suivantes : Andranoboka, Antafiamirango, Andranojaoby, Antsaregy, Morangobe, Ankinganitavo. Sans parler des recherches bibliographiques, des séries d’enquêtes ont été faites. Elles étaient axées sur l’accessibilité de ces zones et sa situation (village ou campement, vulnérabilité, niveaux d’exploitation des ressources, …). Ensuite, des attraits touristiques locaux ont été faits. Le village d’Ankinganitavo est implanté dans les mangroves. Les autres villages étudiés sont situés juste après en arrière mangrove. La population est essentiellement des pêcheurs (à plus de 75%). La culture sakalava y est omniprésente. Elle s’aperçoit à travers le dialecte local, la forme des maisons, la considération du Doany, qui présent dans chaque village. Au niveau des côtes, la verdure et les activités liées aux pêches sont au rendez-vous. De l’arrière mangrove vers la mer, les mangroves les plus rencontrées sont Bruguiera gymnorhiza (tsitolongy), Ceriops tagal (Honkolahy), Rhizophora mucronata (Honkovavy), Avicenia marina (Afiafy). Le rythme quotidien est animé par la pêche (crabe, poisson, …). Les femmes passent leurs temps à la conservation des produits de pêches afin de les vendre quand le moment est venu. A travers tous ces attraits, l’écotourisme villageoise peut s’insérer comme une opportunité de revenue ponctuel : des visités en pirogues pour voir les pêcheurs entrain de remonter leurs filets, les ilots de la Baie, les spécificités des maisons sur pilotis, etc. Toute fois, la capacité d’accueil reste limitée ce qui implique une limité sur la forme de tourisme à développer. Ainsi, le camping et l’excursion semblent l’option la plus adéquate dans ce premier temps.
    Coastlines are areas that attract the most tourists in the world. With its 5000 km of coastline, Madagascar has an incomparable asset. The coast of the Andranoboka township presents significant attractions thanks to the Mahajamba Bay. The research aims to understand the tourism potential for an integrated exploitation of coastal resources. The study was carried out in the following localities : Andranoboka, Antafiamirango, Andranojaoby, Antsaregy, Morangobe, Ankinganitavo. Without to mention bibliographic research, surveys series have been carried out. They focused on these areas accessibility and its situation (village or encampment, vulnerability, levels of resource exploitation, etc.). Then, an inventory of local tourist attractions was made. Ankinganitavo village is located in the mangroves. The other villages studied are located just behind the mangroves. The population is mainly fishermen (over 75%). The sakalava culture is omnipresent there. It is seen through the local dialect, the shape of the houses, the consideration of the Doany, which is present in each village. At the coasts, the greenery and the activities related to fishing are come true. From the rear mangrove towards the sea, the most common mangroves are Bruguiera gymnorhiza (Tsitolongy), Ceriops tagal (Honkolahy), Rhizophora mucronata (Honkovavy), Avicennia marina (Afiafy). The daily rhythm is animated by fishing (crab, fish, etc.). Women spend their time preserving fish products in order to sell them when the time is right. Through all these attractions, village ecotourism can be inserted as a one-off income opportunity : visits in canoes to see fishermen hauling up their nets, the islets of the Bay, the specificities of houses on stilts, etc. Sometimes, the reception capacity remains limited, which implies a limit on the form of tourism to be developed. So camping and excursion seem to be the most suitable option at first.

    [ENG] Coastlines are areas that attract the most tourists in the world. With its 5000 km of coastline, Madagascar has an incomparable asset. The coast of the Andranoboka township presents significant attractions thanks to the Mahajamba Bay. The research aims to understand the tourism potential for an integrated exploitation of coastal resources. The study was carried out in the following localities : Andranoboka, Antafiamirango, Andranojaoby, Antsaregy, Morangobe, Ankinganitavo. Without to mention bibliographic research, surveys series have been carried out. They focused on these areas accessibility and its situation (village or encampment, vulnerability, levels of resource exploitation, etc.). Then, an inventory of local tourist attractions was made. Ankinganitavo village is located in the mangroves. The other villages studied are located just behind the mangroves. The population is mainly fishermen (over 75%). The sakalava culture is omnipresent there. It is seen through the local dialect, the shape of the houses, the consideration of the Doany, which is present in each village. At the coasts, the greenery and the activities related to fishing are come true. From the rear mangrove towards the sea, the most common mangroves are Bruguiera gymnorhiza (Tsitolongy), Ceriops tagal (Honkolahy), Rhizophora mucronata (Honkovavy), Avicennia marina (Afiafy). The daily rhythm is animated by fishing (crab, fish, etc.). Women spend their time preserving fish products in order to sell them when the time is right. Through all these attractions, village ecotourism can be inserted as a one-off income opportunity : visits in canoes to see fishermen hauling up their nets, the islets of the Bay, the specificities of houses on stilts, etc. Sometimes, the reception capacity remains limited, which implies a limit on the form of tourism to be developed. So camping and excursion seem to be the most suitable option at first.
    Coastlines are areas that attract the most tourists in the world. With its 5000 km of coastline, Madagascar has an incomparable asset. The coast of the Andranoboka township presents significant attractions thanks to the Mahajamba Bay. The research aims to understand the tourism potential for an integrated exploitation of coastal resources. The study was carried out in the following localities : Andranoboka, Antafiamirango, Andranojaoby, Antsaregy, Morangobe, Ankinganitavo. Without to mention bibliographic research, surveys series have been carried out. They focused on these areas accessibility and its situation (village or encampment, vulnerability, levels of resource exploitation, etc.). Then, an inventory of local tourist attractions was made. Ankinganitavo village is located in the mangroves. The other villages studied are located just behind the mangroves. The population is mainly fishermen (over 75%). The sakalava culture is omnipresent there. It is seen through the local dialect, the shape of the houses, the consideration of the Doany, which is present in each village. At the coasts, the greenery and the activities related to fishing are come true. From the rear mangrove towards the sea, the most common mangroves are Bruguiera gymnorhiza (Tsitolongy), Ceriops tagal (Honkolahy), Rhizophora mucronata (Honkovavy), Avicennia marina (Afiafy). The daily rhythm is animated by fishing (crab, fish, etc.). Women spend their time preserving fish products in order to sell them when the time is right. Through all these attractions, village ecotourism can be inserted as a one-off income opportunity : visits in canoes to see fishermen hauling up their nets, the islets of the Bay, the specificities of houses on stilts, etc. Sometimes, the reception capacity remains limited, which implies a limit on the form of tourism to be developed. So camping and excursion seem to be the most suitable option at first.


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